1alena442019-07-190Travel 00

The spot of Abu Bakar (RA) is the approximate location in Masjid e Nabvi. In fact, the house was contiguous to the western wall of the Masjid e Nabvi during the...

1Adygrewal2019-07-010Travel 00

Though the permanent residence of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Madinah was in Masjid Nabvi, yet during the construction of the mosque, the Messenger of God resided...

1jasonjordan2019-03-260Travel 00

Certainly, Kaaba is the House of Allah-Almighty and it was built by the Prophet of Ibrahim (AS) and his son Ismael (AS). After exteriorizing from his native lan...

1SHAIRDIL2019-03-210News 00

Blackstone is setting inside the Kaaba ,which is fixed by the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Ismael .Importance of black stone in the Kaaba which is in this a...

2SHAIRDIL2019-01-300News 00

This was the first Umrah of Muhammad (SAW) which had taken three days for its execution. After the completion of first Umrah, the Prophet of God performed more ...

2SHAIRDIL2018-12-280News 00

“O my people listen to me very carefully because maybe I shall not with you after this talk amongst you....

4jasonjordan2018-12-040Travel 00

As a young trader, He (SAW) earned a good reputation and was being proved the good omen for Khadija (RA). Eventually, at the age of 25 years, Muhammad (SAW) agr...

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