Krea University offers 4 year, residential undergraduate B.A (Hons) & B.Sc (Hons), based on an interwoven learning approach, to prepare students for 21st centur...

Enabling high potential students become impactful and ethical leaders through interwoven liberal arts education....

Krea University is one of India’s top upcoming private universities offering BA (Hons) & BSc (Hons) degree courses...

Veba-systems-we provide very effective IT solution to its customers and our team of experts is always there to resolve your issues promptly....

The Speciality of Vebasystems is in providing solutions to the niches. Whether a company needs complete end-to-end enterprise Hardware solution or a specific ap...

Vebasystems is a New Generation Technology Providers to deliver our products with high quality and support to all customers....

1priyabharathi2018-08-060Food 00

Avataa tea which make exude freshness in every sip. One key factor of Avataa Tulsi tea is to keep calm yourself by its mild taste and soothing flavor relaxes yo...

0priyabharathi2018-08-060Travel 00

Welcome to GRT ZIBE, Smart Stay.Where you can be just yourself. No stiffness.No pretensions. And strictly no boredom. ...

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