OSS have been providing safe and reliable specialist international moving and relocation services to all parts of New Zealand for 50 years....

OSS World Wide Movers can provide a range of Concierge Services to assist with making your relocation as smooth as possible....

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Sea freight offers numerous benefits that make it an ideal choice for many. OSS are the experts in international relocation and shipping....

There are many ways you can improve on your moving experience. Have you thought of them all? Read OSS's helpful hints and tips here....

Our international pet transport service can help your pet travel to their new life abroad. Wherever you're moving, we know what's required to get there....

Most international moves overseas are done by sea freight. Moving overseas by sea freight is a safe a reliable process to move your furniture....

Whether you’re moving to Montreal for work, study, or just for a change of scenery, there’s a lot to love about this Canadian city....

Moving overseas long term or temporarily? Here's everything you need to know about your superannuation when moving overseas from Australia....

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