1alisajoycee2019-07-040Tools 00

Optimatech-Luxeon Rebel Assembly, which refers to the production of solid state lighting systems and products based on highly efficient Luxeon Rebel Led Techno...

1alisajoycee2019-07-020Tools 00

High Power LED Circuits are light-emitting diodes and can be driven at higher voltages than conventional LEDs, paired with a matched electric power....

6alisajoycee2019-07-020Ecommerce 00

One of the greatest benefits of using digital publications is that they have the potential to be really engaging for your readers....

2alisajoycee2019-06-170Tools 00

Environmental controls are electronics that measure and control the temperature within heating and cooling systems....

5alisajoycee2019-06-140Tools 00

Surface Mount Technology (SMT) and lead-free soldering have expanded the methods and techniques commonly used by EMS suppliers for reflow soldering....

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Optima tech-Sensors Instrumentation refers to the ability to identify and collect information from the environment and translate it into data....

3alisajoycee2019-06-110Tools 00

Optima tech-Making Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) is generally performed by a PCB Manufacturer, versus an in-house manufacturing process....

2alisajoycee2019-06-050Tools 00

RF design or proprietary radio frequency communications are considered when the application needs high security & low power. RF is used for broadcasting....

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